Encountering God’s Compassion

Encountering God’s Compassion

  Have you ever thought about how no one owns the beach? The beach is my favorite place on earth, and I love that it’s available to all types of people from every possible background. No one can tell you to leave the beach. It isn’t private property; you have...
Silence and Solitude

Silence and Solitude

Do you ever feel like your entire world is screaming at you? And it’s not just loud but invasive? Over the past ten years, I’ve realized I’m extremely sensitive to sound. I don’t know if I was born this way or if it’s the musical training I’ve received, but it’s not...
About Worry….

About Worry….

I’m a worrier. I can work myself into an absolute frenzy worrying. The price of gas, the price of food, the future; all of these can cause me to worry. The stress starts to feel like chains weighing around my neck. It’s when I get to that point, that I know I need to...
Where is He?

Where is He?

“….And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b.  If you spend any time on planet Earth, you are bound to have a few (or several) very hard days.  Trouble touches us all.  Christian or non-Christian, we all face difficult times. ...