I’m a worrier. I can work myself into an absolute frenzy worrying. The price of gas, the price of food, the future; all of these can cause me to worry. The stress starts to feel like chains weighing around my neck. It’s when I get to that point, that I know I need to go back to Jesus’ words.

 In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount is recorded. Jesus is teaching about the kingdom of God. He gives us beautiful direction on how to live focused on His Kingdom and not our own.  

 Jesus says, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” (Matthew 6:25 ESV) Life is about more than basic necessities. 

 Jesus goes on to remind us of how the Father feeds the birds and clothes the lilies of the field. He says,Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26 ESV). God sees my needs. They are not lost on Him and He cares deeply about each one. How easily I can forget!

 After spending time with Jesus on the mountain, I find two main sins in my heart. The first is not trusting God. The oldest sin of all time. Adam and Eve didn’t trust God’s word in the garden. The Israelites didn’t believe God would fight their battles for them, and here I am, committing the same sin. It amazes me the level of patience God has with me. Thankfully, my God is gracious to forgive me! (I John 1:19)

 The second sin is being concerned with the wrong things. Later in chapter 6, Jesus says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33 ESV) Worry is an indicator that my focus is in the wrong place. I am spending too much mental energy on the things of this world, when I should be concerning myself with the kingdom of God. I love that he says seek the kingdom of God. He doesn’t say worry or manage or have anguish; He just asks us to seek it. 

 May I encourage you, when you are worried, declare to God (and yourself) who He is. Almighty God who is able and willing to provide! (Matthew 6:32) When our hearts are pointed to Him, all the chains of life will fall away.

Amanda Devlin
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