“….And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20b. 

If you spend any time on planet Earth, you are bound to have a few (or several) very hard days.  Trouble touches us all.  Christian or non-Christian, we all face difficult times.  Sometimes those times are so difficult, we might even begin to despair and feel alone.  

In my life, those moments of despair always seem to take place in hospitals.  It’s the place where I have consistently felt the most helpless.  I’ve watched as life and death decisions have been made for people I love, all the while feeling like I had no control over anything and my God was so very far away.  

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave His disciples some important instructions known as the Great Commission.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.”  Matthew 28:19 and 20a

I feel this verse not only applies to the people standing in front of Him, but also to every Christian who has walked the Earth since then.  Honestly, it’s always been a verse that I’ve found a bit intimidating…

“You want us to go where?”


“All the nations?”


“And then teach them every single thing you have taught us?”


It can seem like a lot of pressure right?  Be a follower of Jesus, wholly submitted to Him in everything.  Tell everyone you can about Jesus and teach them His ways.  In our own strength and our own power, to me, this seems impossible.  

That’s why I’m so thankful for the next part…

“…and remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:20b 

Our God is not a distant God who sends down directives and moves us around like pawns in an elaborate chess game.  Our God is personal.  He promised never, for all of eternity, to leave us.  My God is not a liar.  When He says something He means it, and that is why this verse has always given me so much comfort.  

In those dark hospital days, all I could remember of the great commission was the very last part. I remember it resonating in my head over and over again.  God turned it into a melody that He would constantly sing over me in those painful moments, “Amanda, I will not leave you, I will not forsake you.”   

God never promised us that life would be easy.  In fact, many times, He reminds us in Scripture that life will be difficult and full of trials.  But, He did promise to be there with us. Whether we’re feeling alone, hopeless or unheard, we can know that He is always with us, just as He was with me in my darkest hospital moments.  

What has been your darkest moment?  Maybe recently, or even now, you’re experiencing a tremendous loss or challenge.  Have you maybe forgotten that He is here?  It’s easy to do.  With the troubles of the world clouding around us, it can be hard to remember to look for the light in the fog. 

That’s why we must remember that our God is here, wiping away every tear.  Our God is here right now.  He is alive and ready to embrace and comfort You.  I can promise you (because I’ve experienced it myself) when you’re at the end of your rope, you don’t even know how to pray or what to say, when you are so low that you can’t even speak to your family, if your soul just murmurs to the Lord, begging for His presence; He is there.  I have experienced this so many times, and my God has never once failed to show up and comfort me.

Our God is powerful

Our God is alive

Our God is ready to meet you and comfort you


He will never abandon you

He will never forsake you

You are His beloved child, whom he adores


He will wipe away every tear

He will heal every broken heart

All you have to do is ask


Ask and the door will be opened

To His loving embrace

His kind smile

His forgiving Spirit


Our God is here


Amanda Devlin

Article originally appeared on Louder Still

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